Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Verbal Vomit

an absence/he described it as being much like the last time he fell up the stairs/the handles weren't there/and neither were his friends/he stood there staring down/eyes swallowed by the shadows formed by his brow/he stood there looking away/he decided he would jump/again/so/he did/and when he stood there looking up/he felt absent/yet/complete/and he described it as being much like the last time he fell into the sky

(Colin posted a blog on the Circa Survive myspace with a poem inviting people to write something, I did. And I decided I would put it here as well. here is Colin's initial post)

he took the mona lisa/stairs out the window/into/the negative space of the shadows/when the moon’s 12 o clock/to get there/there’s no other way/give to me your side of the story/cause i want to know what you saw/i want to know how it felt/as you were floating away

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